
Higher Higher - Justin Timberlake

循环贾老板新曲时 突然就觉得歌词和姜钟挺契合的(总觉得是会会内心写照

stress is cruel /fame is lie
but you are special/on every level
success is cool/money is fine
but you are special/on every level

对会会来说 大概名誉成功都是他所一向追求的 金钱和压力也都与他如影随形
但是姜维是特别的 在各种意义上
这种特别 体现在他在会会心中 可以作为与成功与荣誉这种一生的追求相提并论的存在 (虽然我个人还是觉得会会还是更偏向权力一点

初次相见后 便是情好欢甚(会会还傲娇了一把 为什么来的这么晚呀 感觉歌词里贾老板也是傲娇了一把 要表亲传话什么的

i guess you can say i was lovestruck
i met you/you was with your brother
i had to go and get my cousin/tell a joke and then say what's up
we both danced to lucky star
eyeing each other/then we were laughing
my body told me i was done
but i think it meant to say in trouble

接着会会又将伯约比作中土名士 什么太初公休不能胜
嵇康夏侯玄这些名士滚远点吧 反正本英才有伯约欣赏了
对待伯约一定不能像过去那些黑历史一样 毕竟会会的倒贴第一次没被拒绝(×)一定要对甜姜好一点

if it's for you/it can't be any old thing
如果是你 绝不能旧调重弹
if it's for you/it can't be any old thing
如果是你 一定是耳目一新

you said get used to change
nothing would be the same

我们黑心甜姜自然是骗会会说自己看开了 说自己已经认识到了没有什么是一成不变的(所以甜姜道理你都懂但是还是那么固执 唉

and we are climbing/more to gain
我们攀登在人生之山 乘风破浪
getting higher higher and higher
我们不断前进 如鱼得水 琴瑟和调

to them we might look strange
it's something you can't explain
getting higher higher and higher
ooh higher higher and higher

不断向上爬 双方均离自己的梦想越来越近 直至咫尺
甜姜幻想着他的后汉 丞相的嘱托
士季陶醉于他的野心 渴望着自立成功
仿佛世间的一切 此刻都唾手可得
然后  坠下高峰

“率会左右战 手杀五六人”

and we were climbing/more to gain
我们攀登在人生之山 乘风破浪
getting higher higher and higher
我们不断前进 如鱼得水 琴瑟和鸣
ooh higher higher and higher...
如鱼得水 琴瑟相调



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